MATLAB Community

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Posts 1 - 10 of 52

搜索结果: 2010

2010 Retrospective 2

Wow, what a year… The Desktop has changed a lot this year. Some of the highlights include: a whole pile of Current Folder Browser enhancements (previews, zip files, files on path), variable… 更多内容 >>

More Current Folder Browser Enhancements 8

I thought I’d start today’s post off with an informal poll. If you answer in the comments, I’ll pick a random commenter my first day back in the office in January to receive a… 更多内容 >>

Citing File Exchange Submissions 7

Many of our community members are involved in some aspect of research and publication. Often they find content on MATLAB Central’s File Exchange that they want to reference in a paper. The… 更多内容 >>

Controlling the MATLAB Path from the Editor 8

Quiz: When setting a breakpoint in a file open in the Editor, your primary motivation is

To stop at the corresponding line of code in the debugger.
To change the MATLAB current folder.
To add the... 更多内容 >>

Enumeration Templates

Ever since Class Objects were first introduced in R2008a, we’ve improved or added to their functionality. In R2010b, we have official support for Enumerations. Enumerations are type-safe… 更多内容 >>

Downloading Keyboard Shortcut Sets in R2010b

Configurable keyboard shortcuts were introduced in R2009b. By using the Keyboard Shortcut preference panel, it is possible to modify the desktop’s default keyboard shortcuts and save them as a… 更多内容 >>

Throw Away Your Picasa, iPhoto, or Other Media Libraries

Image Preview in the Current Folder Browser is here! Steve, from Steve on Image Processing, recently reminded me about this new gem of a feature we haven’t covered yet. With MATLAB R2009b, the… 更多内容 >>

Fame and Prizes in the MATLAB Programming Contest 2

Have you ever participated in our MATLAB Programming Contest? If you have, you better catch up on your sleep this weekend as this season’s contest starts next at noon next Wednesday, November… 更多内容 >>

XML and MATLAB: Navigating a Tree 26

This week I’m posting the third part in my series on using XML. Since I’ve had a request to cover this topic, I’ve moved it up in the schedule. We’ll be back to the new MATLAB… 更多内容 >>

R2010b Comment Wrapping Improvements, Continued 4

In our last post, we talked about how you no longer have to select anything to tidy up your comments, and about how comment wrapping no longer splits long strings like URLs. In today’s post… 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 52

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