MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Have you taken the Cody Challenge?

It has been such a such a busy couple of weeks at MATLAB Central! Last week, we launched Trendy, a cool new service that you can use to to plot and track trends from data on public websites. You can read more about Trendy in last week’s post.

Welcome to Cody!

This past week, MATLAB Central launched Cody, an online MATLAB game that challenges your skills and helps you expand your knowledge about MATLAB programming.



When you come to Cody, you will find many different puzzles to try to solve. Browse through available problems from the Cody home page. Use the links on the left navigation bar to browse through Community-contributed puzzles or you can choose Cody Challenge puzzles. When you first join the Cody Challenge, you will start with 3 initial puzzles to solve. Once you have successfully solved these questions, three more questions will be unlocked for you. Note that Community-contributed puzzles are always unlocked so you can jump around and try different puzzles.

Accruing Cody points

You will receive 10 points the first time you submit a correct solution for any problem either Cody Challenge or Community-contributed. Once you have the hang of solving problems, make sure that you try submitting your own puzzle. Each time you do, you will receive 15 points.

Check out scores by going to the Player’s page. Or, check out your own Cody score and history by clicking on My Cody in the left navigation bar.


Get started!

Jumping in and joining the fun at Cody is easy. All you need is to log into MATLAB Central, create your Community Profile and just pick a question to try answering. It’s easy and it’s fun. Come get started and take the Cody Challenge!


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