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MATLAB Mobile Autocompletes You

With today’s release of MATLAB Mobile, typing commands just got easier. With the new autocomplete feature, MATLAB Mobile offers suggestions for functions, variables, methods, properties, files and folders.

To see this in practice, type two or more characters in the command window:

Suggestions for MATLAB Functions

Suggestions for MATLAB Functions (iPhone)

Tap on an option to complete it to the window.

You can leverage autocomplete for a variety of tasks, like navigating folder hierarchy:

Navigating Folder Hierarchy

Navigating Folder Hierarchy (Android)

 Or displaying the methods that an object exposes:

Suggestions for an Object's Methods

Suggestions for an Object’s Methods (iPhone)

Autocomplete is available on the latest releases of MATLAB Mobile on the App Store and Google Play.

Has autocomplete improved your experience? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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