MATLAB Community

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Posts 11 - 20 of 21

搜索结果: Help Browser

The new search and filter field 9

I’ve talked a lot about wanting to improve the platform fidelity of the MATLAB Desktop. Along those lines, I think it’s also important to improve the consistency of the MATLAB Desktop. In… 更多内容 >>

The Function Browser 9

I’d like to welcome guest blogger James Owen from the Desktop team. James will occasionally be blogging here on the Inside the MATLAB Desktop blog.

If you have MATLAB R2008b (version 7.7)… 更多内容 >>

New and Updated Desktop Features in R2008b 6

R2008b (version 7.7) is here! With it comes a host of great new features and updates to MATLAB. Below, I’ve called out some of my favorite new and updated Desktop features.
Be sure to let us… 更多内容 >>

So many demos, so little time 5

If your looking for a quick way to come up to speed on new features, a new release or even a functional area, I highly recommend you take a look at the MATLAB demo videos available on the web and… 更多内容 >>

Seeing also 6

Quan recently commented that he uses the “see also” part of M-file help as a way of finding related functions.
This made me think back to my early days writing MATLAB code, where my TA… 更多内容 >>

Browsing vs Searching 6

One of our big team efforts is making information in MATLAB more accessible. When figuring out how to the present and teach new features, we often wind up at the “browsing versus… 更多内容 >>

Help us help you 14

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you are probably already aware that we monitor your comments closely. In fact, we’re always looking for ways to get feedback from MATLAB users. Along… 更多内容 >>

Making a feature request 8

It’s pretty clear that MATLAB users have some great ideas on how to make the product better. Browsing through this blog’s comments reveals some of those ideas. We love your suggestions as… 更多内容 >>

Filter your help 3

If you are using MATLAB with a lot of toolboxes and blocksets, there is a lot of documentation available to you in the Help browser. That’s almost always a good thing, but if you’re… 更多内容 >>

Improved Help from the MATLAB Editor and Command Window 25

In the new R2007b version of MATLAB, we’ve improved an existing feature called Help on Selection. Have you ever forgotten the arguments to a function as you’re typing in the Command… 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 21