MATLAB Community

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搜索结果: Publish

A Plug With Publish

I have been lax in giving shout-outs to our other blogs. This week I want to highlight a recent “File Exchange Pick of the Week” post. File Exchange Pick of the Week (or, POTW) is a… 更多内容 >>

LaTeX Formula Publishing 21

A long time ago the Publish team added the ability to include LaTeX formulas in published MATLAB files. This was seen as a nice way to include pretty-formatted formulas and equations without having… 更多内容 >>

Demo’ing Scripts With ECHODEMO 1

Scripting files in Cell Mode has plenty of benefits. In addition to code organization, rapid iteration, and publishing, cell mode can also be used to present cell-by-cell interactive… 更多内容 >>

R2009 in review 7

We’ve had a fantastic year with new and improved features in MATLAB R2009a and R2009b. Let’s take a walk down memory lane…
On the MATLAB desktop
2009 was a big year for our power… 更多内容 >>

Publish to PDF 20

Sometimes one of my colleagues comes up with a big idea that’s so brilliant, it can be succinctly summarized in a small phrase that downplays its impact. Publish to PDF pretty much says it all…. 更多内容 >>

New and Updated Desktop Features in MATLAB R2009b 3

R2009b (version 7.9) is here! You’d think that I’d be used to the six month release cycle by now, but there is always something to do with mad rushes interspersed with calm lulls…. 更多内容 >>

Using the cell mode toolbar 10

The MATLAB Editor is great because supports many different workflows and user styles. Even though I call myself an advanced MATLAB user, I have long since stopped being surprised when I find out… 更多内容 >>

New figure capture methods for publish 1

In R2009a, we added two new figure capture methods to publish. The figure capture method determines the way in which publish grabs screen shots of your figures, in order to insert it into the final… 更多内容 >>

Bring along your syntax highlighted code 4

People often ask how they can incorporate their syntax highlighted code into other mediums, like Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, web pages etc. There are actually a number of ways to bring… 更多内容 >>

The new search and filter field 9

I’ve talked a lot about wanting to improve the platform fidelity of the MATLAB Desktop. Along those lines, I think it’s also important to improve the consistency of the MATLAB Desktop. In… 更多内容 >>

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