Style Transfer and Cloud Computing with Multiple GPUs
What is style transfer?
With style transfer, you can apply the stylistic appearance of one image to the scene content of a second image. To learn more about style transfer, read the documentation example Neural Style Transfer Using Deep Learning. Figure: Style transfer with deep learning Now, some might argue that style transfer isn’t exactly new, which is true. In fact, we presented a style transfer demo a few years back. Read more about our original demo in this blog post: MATLAB Demos at GTC: Style Transfer and Celebrity Lookalikes. What is new, is the acceleration of a computationally expensive demo by just leveraging more hardware with the same core code; speeding up an algorithm that is normally just a few frames per second, into a stream-able algorithm with 4 times that speed. In fact, our demo, which uses a high-end multi-GPU instance in the cloud, can process 15 frames per second.Connection to Cloud Machine
To run the style transfer demo, we connect to a cloud Windows machine in AWS using MathWorks Cloud Center. If you have a MathWorks Account, a license for MATLAB, and an AWS account, you can leverage MathWorks Cloud Center to get on-demand access to Windows or Linux instances in the cloud with hardware that far exceeds what you likely have on your desktop now. Getting set up the first time is straightforward, and re-starting your instance is a breeze. The best part is that all the changes you make to the environment persist between re-starts. The one-time effort for initial set-up quicky pays dividends in re-use. Figure: Windows machine on the cloud If you are new to creating, managing, and accessing machines on AWS with MATLAB, see the documentation for Getting Started with Cloud Center and Starting MATLAB on AWS Using Cloud Center.GPU-Accelerated Computing
We used App Designer to easily build a professional-looking app that provides an integrated environment to load frames, perform style transfer using deep learning, leverage one or more GPUs, and display results. The key aspects and controls of the app (starting from the bottom) are:- Styled output FPS – frame rate (frames/sec) for the styled output images
- Style network prediction time – how long it takes on average to re-style an input frame
- Style network prediction rate – desired frames per second for processing. When using a single GPU, the app should be able to process at a rate of approximately 1/t, where t is the prediction time for the style network.
- NumWorkers – number of parallel workers in our pool. Each worker can leverage one GPU. We have 4 GPUs on this cloud instance, so we chose 4 workers. With 4 GPUs, we can process up to 4 times as many frames per second.
- thread pool creates multiple workers within a single MATLAB process to more efficiently share data between workers.
- parfeval queues the frames for parallel processing on multiple GPUs.
- afterEach moves complete frame data from the queue into the app’s display buffer.
- parallel.pool.Constant efficiently manages construction and updating of networks on thread workers.
If you’re coming to SC22, stop by our booth to say hi and check out the demo. If you’re not able to attend, leave a comment with anything you’d like to chat about related to supercomputing.- カテゴリ:
- Conference,
- Deep Learning
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