Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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搜索结果: Twitter

Don’t Get Stuck in the Mud, Understand Tide Levels with MATLAB

Tides go up and down. But, the question is when and how will the tide levels change in the future. If you are planning a boating trip or trying to understand how the wind affects tide levels during… 更多内容 >>

Analyzing Squirrel Behaviour and Weather Forecasting with MATLAB and ThingSpeak

Lord Kelvin said, “If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.” In Carsten’s project, he built a squirrel feeder complete with sensors and a camera. The “Squirrel… 更多内容 >>

Analyzing CheerLights with MATLAB

CheerLights is an Internet of Things project created by Hans Scharler that allows people’s lights all across the world to synchronize to one color set by Twitter. This is a way to connect… 更多内容 >>

Soldering Iron Connected to ThingSpeak with #NodeMCU and #ESP8266 Wi-Fi

[Vegard Paulsen] created a solder iron that reports its usage and temperature to ThingSpeak and alerts him when it was left on. He uses an NodeMCU / ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to collect the data and post… 更多内容 >>

Basement Dehumidifier Tweets Its Humidity with ThingSpeak and ESP8266 Wi-Fi

ThingSpeak user, Spencer, adapted a humidifier that sits in his basement. He is solving a common issue about humid basements. If your dehumidifier fails, you get wet things you have stored and then… 更多内容 >>

Let Your Plants Tweet Using Spark and ThingSpeak

Head over to Instructables to learn how to make your plants Tweet using Spark Wi-Fi and ThingSpeak. Gregory Fenton created a project that monitors his plant’s soil moisture and then notifies… 更多内容 >>

CheerLights Arduino Sketch for FastLED Compatible Lights #featurefriday

We just created a FastLED and Arduino tutorial and Arduino Sketch to read in the latest CheerLights color and display it on FastLED compatible lights. CheerLights is a global network of colored… 更多内容 >>

Instant TweetControls #featurefriday

We spent some time enhancing our TweetControl App. TweetControl allows you to control things with Twitter. You setup a TweetControl to listen for a keyword mentioned on Twitter and we execute any web… 更多内容 >>

Sending Tweets Automatically Every Morning With TimeControl

TimeControl can be used to send Tweets automatically at predetermined times.  In this tutorial, we’ll be sending a Tweet every weekday with the current time and the current CheerLights… 更多内容 >>

Celebrate the Holidays by Joining CheerLights, a Global Network of Lights #iot

For the third holiday season in a row, the CheerLights project is gearing up. The idea behind CheerLights is to show that we are all connected by synchronizing the color of lights around the world…. 更多内容 >>

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