Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

搜索结果: widgets

Add ThingSpeak Data Widgets to iOS Using Scriptable 8

Starting with iOS 14, Apple introduced widgets for the iPhone and iPad. Widgets elevate information to the top of your device and offer information at a glance. They help you customize your device in… 更多内容 >>

Introducing ThingSpeak Gauges! 2

The ThingSpeak IoT has been building a new framework to support widgets on channel views. Widgets can be added to the public or private view of a ThingSpeak channel and even be embedded in 3rd-party… 更多内容 >>

Templates for Plugin Widgets #featurefriday 1

Plugin Widgets allow you to create custom visualizations for your ThingSpeak Channels by using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. We just added a new feature that allows you to start with templates. We… 更多内容 >>

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