R2007b is Live
Release R2007b is now available. Here's what's new in MATLAB. I plan to highlight some of these features, and perhaps some from related products, in upcoming posts. In addition, there is a significant release of Image Processing Toolbox in R2007b that you might want to check out. I'm sure Steve will be highlighting some of the features on his blog later this year.
Development Environment
Here are some features that help increase my productivity.
- code folding in the editor - collapses some portions of the file when I don't need to see everything
- M-file run configurations - allows me to set up customized sets of parameters for running a function so I can easily iterate on a problem
- quick access to help from the command line and Editor
Here's a feature that allows me to write more robust code, including managing errors and exceptions correctly.
- MException
Of course there's some new math!
- sparse support for more matrix functions
- quadgk - integration over infinite limits
Lots More
There are additional MATLAB features in more areas than I typically cover in this blog. Check out the new release. Then post here and let me know which features you find most interesting and useful.
- 类别:
- New Feature