File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 11 - 20 of 52

搜索结果: 2011

Drawing Ellipses 4

Brett's Pick this week is ellipse, by David Long. I've blogged before about fitting circles, and about simply drawing circles. And I've blogged about fitting ellipses. I like the... 更多内容 >>

Traveling Salesman Problem – Genetic Algorithm 7

Will's picks this week is Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm by Joseph Kirk. I stumbled upon this submission purely by accident while looking for something completely unrelated. It... 更多内容 >>

Box plot + Scatter plot 2

Jiro's pick this week is notBoxPlot by Rob Campbell. If you have ever used boxplot from the Statistics Toolbox, you know the value of being able to visualize statistical information on... 更多内容 >>

Determine File Dependencies

Brett's Pick this week is "FDEP: a pedestrian function dependencies finder," by Us. Back in September, 2009, I featured a file called exportToZip that facilitates easy creation of... 更多内容 >>

Import Test Cases From Excel Into Simulink

Greg's pick this week is CMTDTOOL by Yasumitsu Ito. Contents Adding Test... 更多内容 >>

Ball and Beam 2

Jiro's pick this week is Ball and Beam Simulation by Jeffrey Kantor. Ball and beam is an interesting controls problem. A good friend of mine from graduate school used to do research on... 更多内容 >>

Detect Curve Intersections, Quickly and Easily 3

Brett's Pick this week is "Fast and Robust Curve Intersections," by Douglas Schwarz. If you've ever needed to find the intersections between (possibly complicated) curves, this... 更多内容 >>

OFDM Synchronization in Simulink

Idin's pick this week is "Pilot Directed Continuous Synchronization of OFDM" by Dick Benson. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a bandwidth-efficient scheme to... 更多内容 >>

Exporting figures to PowerPoint® 2

Jiro's pick this week is Smart PowerPoint Exporter by Dmitriy Aronov. Have you ever wanted to export MATLAB figures to Microsoft® PowerPoint® for presentation purposes? There... 更多内容 >>

Morphologically Altering Images, Interactively

Brett's Pick this week is "MorphTool," by ... Brett. Okay, first time ever...I'm picking one of my own. I have a passion for processing images in MATLAB (using the Image... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 52

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