File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

You make the call, take 2!

In the eleven weeks since we asked for your nominations for Pick-of-the-Week honorees, we've received lots of great suggestions--for files that we might never have found! To date, we've featured five of those suggestions, and, as a result, sent swag to five different authors and four different responders. (Frank Engel suggested several useful files, and two of his recommendations have already been Picked. I just had an opportunity to use Tight Subplot yesterday; it's a great addition to the File Exchange!)

So today, I just want to repeat the call for recommendations. Remember that this is your File Exchange! There are currently nearly 16000 files on the Exchange! That's a lot of files, and finding the gems to feature is becoming increasingly difficult. That's where you come in. There are a lot of people using the File Exchange for a lot of different things. Please continue to tell us about files that you've found particularly helpful. It might even earn you a MATLAB t-shirt or hat! The ground rules we established still apply, but we're still happy to take your suggestions.

Happy MATLABbing!

Published with MATLAB® 7.14

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