File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Looking Back: 2014 in Review

And so...another year over, a new one just begun. 2014 saw some very big changes. MATLAB has changed--subtly. If you haven't tried R2014b yet, try it--we think you'll like it. The new MATLAB Graphics system--long-awaited!-- is live, and while there may be some growing pains, we're excited about the new things it will enable us to do. In this forum, we welcomed Sean as a lead blogger, and Brett stepped aside to pursue other projects. (He's still around, contributing now and then ;) !) And once again, the year has seen big growth of MATLAB Central, and lots of big additions to the File Exchange. So without further ado, here is the retrospective of 2014's Picks of the Week. You can read the original blog posts for each of these picks by clicking on the names of the files and following the links to the "Pick of the Week" tag. As always, your comments are welcome.

Published with MATLAB® R2014b
Title/Author/Summary/Notes Image
Smooth 3D bezier curves with implicit control pointsWill Robertson Uses Hobby's algorithm to plot smooth curves in 3D through specified control points
Sphere Fit (least squared)Alan Jennings Fits a sphere to a set of noisy data. Does not require a wide arc or many points.
Texas Hold'Em Poker AnalyzerTim Farajian Analyzes the win frequency and expected return of a hand in a poker game called Texas Hold'Em.
URL FilterNed Gulley Scrape one or more numbers off of a web page
International Flight Route Planning Simulator using Aerospace BlocksetSimulink Dude Example that shows how you can visualize airline routes on the globe.
Bellagio Fountain SimulationJohn Hedengren Simulation of the Bellagio Fountain (100 nozzles)
Polygon simplificationPeter Bone Simplifies a closed polygon by reducing the number of vertices to a specified number
Worker Object WrapperParallel Computing Team Simplifies managing resources such as large data within PARFOR loops and SPMD blocks
Draw a Polar DendrogramSam Roberts Draws a polar dendrogram.
Convert seconds to human readable string(s)Rody Oldenhuis Convert an amount of seconds to hours/days/weeks/etc.
Straightforward COPY and PASTE functionsYvan Lengwiler Allows very simple manual exchange with other applications through the clipboard.
Packing Santa's SleighAlfonso Nieto-Castanon This is the solution by team alfnie to the Mathworks/Kaggle Packing Santa's Sleigh competition
2048 MATLAB EditionJiro Doke This is a MATLAB implementation of the 2048 game
Communications System Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR RadioMathWorks Communications System Toolbox Team Design and prototype software-defined radio (SDR) systems using RTL-SDR with MATLAB and Simulink
kml2structJames Slegers Import a .kml file as a series of shapefile structs. Like kml_shapefile, but more stable.
BOTJoerg Buchholz Block diagram Optimization Tool
ISSTracker V1.0.0Rami International Space Station Live Tracking GUI
Wing DesignerJohn Rogers Wing Designer computes aircraft performance measures from wing and engine parameters.
Automatic enveloping, variance change and activity detection with Hilbert TransformHooman Sedghamiz Automatic Signal Segmentation and activity detection with Hilbert Transform and smoothing.
cspy.mHugo Gualdron cspy: a color-coded version of sparse matrix viewer spy
Multiple-ColonBruno Luong multiple colon-intervals
Configurable Simulink Model for DC-DC Converters with PWM PI ControlYi Cao A Simulink model configurable to buck, boost and buck-boost DC-DC converters with PWM PI control
Useful Figure Management UtilitiesMichelle Hirsch 3 Useful figure management utilities.
C-MEX Programming Tutorial ExamplesIlias Konsoulas This submission contains several C scripts that help as an introduction to C-MEX programming.
module - encapsulate MATLAB package into a name space moduleDaniel Dolan Modules are handy way to access packages in MATLAB.
legappendChad Greene Append new entries to an existing legend
parTicTocSarah Wait Zaranek This is a utility for timing PARFOR loops.
ThingSpeak support from MATLABMathWorks Internet of Things Team Prototype Internet of Things applications using ThingSpeak and MATLAB
PianoTunerJohn Bender Graphical aid for tuning the middle octave of a piano
Reference Creator Valerio Biscione Find in-text citations and create the reference list!
Image Blur MetricDo Quoc Bao Measure the blur level of still image.
Blind image quality assessment through anisotropySalvador Gabarda This measure discriminates blur and Gaussian noise.
Noise Level Estimation from a Single ImageMasayuki Tanaka It can precisely estimate noise level from a single image.
Simscape Language: Nonlinear rotational spring (Torque == kx^2)Steve Miller Simscape language example showing how to use a MATLAB function in the equations section.
SimRF Models of Analog Devices RF Agile TransceiversMathWorks RF Team Simulate and verify agile RF transceivers and predict impact of RF imperfections using test signals
ColormousePatrick Mouse control of the color axis
makeinstallNorbert Marwan Create a single install file for your toolbox distribution.
Makeinstall TechnologyNorbert Marwan The technology behind the Makeinstall tool.
Quad-SimDavid Parameter driven Simulink model for quadcopter simulation and control system design
Display progress, pause or stop a time-consuming loopRafael Oliveira Allows you to display a loop’s progress, pause (and also change related code) or stop it.
Simulink Dual Gravity Drained TankJohn Hedengren Process control simulation tutorial for PID tuning
votebarpaul koch function to plot 'election-like' 3d bars
Fast Noise Estimation in ImagesTolga Birdal Estimate the standard deviation of the noise in a gray-scale image.
Round with significant digitsFrançois Beauducel Rounds towards the nearest number with N significant digits.
Natural-Order Row SortStephen Cobeldick Natural-order row sort of a cell array of strings, with customizable numeric format.
Natural-Order Filename SortStephen Cobeldick Natural-order sort of filenames or filepaths, with customizable numeric format.
Customizable Natural-Order SortStephen Cobeldick Natural-order sort of a cell array of strings, with customizable numeric format.
Growth - Yet another Obfuscated MATLAB codeHikaru Ikuta Obfuscated MATLAB code where the source looks like its output, with a functional programming demo.
Distribute figuresAnders Simonsen This function can distribute all open figures on different parts of the screen(s).
Koch curveDimitrios Piretzidis Interface for generating the Koch curve
  • print


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