File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Secret Santa

Sean's pick this week is Secret Santa by Edgar Guevara.

Gift Exchange Planning

It's that time of year again where I'm sure many of you are planning your organization's December festivities, which may include a gift exchange. Lo and behold, Edgar has made this easy for us MATLABers.

In order to set up our gift exchange, I needed to fill in some of the variables and the CSV file:

My neighbors and I will play with some of MathWorks' top dogs:

Who did I get?

So it looks like Brett is the one getting a used MathWorks T-shirt...

Have a great holiday season everyone!


Are any of you lucky enough to be taking vacation over the next few weeks? Will you be using MATLAB during the vacation? I hear there are some great apps to keep you entertained at the in-laws.

Let us know of anything exciting here!

Published with MATLAB® R2014a

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