File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Interactive apps for solid mechanics

Jiro's Pick this week is Apps For Solid Mechanics by Ephraim Bryski.

My day job is supporting educators and researchers (mostly university) make the best use out of MATLAB in their teaching and research. The pandemic has introduced a big challenge for educators as they need to adjust to a new way of teaching, often involving running classes online or remotely. One of the ways to improve the learning experience for students is to provide material that they can interact with themselves to increase their understanding of concepts. Such materials can also help keep students' motivation.

Ephraim has created a series of apps for exploring solid mechanics concepts. In this entry, he has an app launcher that opens up different apps covering seven concepts: pure bending, torsion, stresses in beam, stress transformations, anticlastic bending, stress and strain relations, and superposition.

I really like how the graphics update in real-time as you change the parameters. He also displays the equations, with actual numerical values, so you can see how the parameters you change affect the equation. I think all of this together give a good experience for students to build the intuition on these concepts.

If you are an educator, I highly encourage you to visit our Distance Learning Community and the new Online Teaching with MATLAB and Simulink page.


Give Ephraim's apps a try and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Ephraim.

Published with MATLAB® R2020a

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