File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Match rows

A couple of things came together this week to get MatchRow to be Pick Of The Week. Recently I was asked to do some usability testing on MATLAB Central. This basically meant our Human Machine Interface experts asked me to use MATLAB Central and had me “think out loud” so they could figure out ways to make it better. One of the things I mentioned is that when people like John D’errico give a good rating, then a file is worth looking at.

The other thing is with the Contest being over we are back to one of our Friday afternoon past times here at the MathWorks: MATLAB Golf. MatchRow solves a problem that sounds like a typical golf challenge, plus it is a useful function in itself. Thanks, Jos!

As John said:

Good, readable help. Error checks. Good examples, and an H1 line. Nicely vectorized. Its got a “see also” line, the author’s name, date written, etc. There are many internal comments, a proper use of warning, and no mlint flags.

This is an example of a code other authors should emulate.

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