Jiro's Pick this week is Electrical Engineering Virtual Electric Machine & Power Labs by Douglas Jusssaume.
Whether it is to adapt to online/hybrid teaching or to provide students with a lab... read more >>
Jiro's Pick this week is Electrical Engineering Virtual Electric Machine & Power Labs by Douglas Jusssaume.
Whether it is to adapt to online/hybrid teaching or to provide students with a lab... read more >>
Will's pick this week is Simulink-to-Stateflow by McSCert. Over the years, I've delivered dozens of talks on Stateflow, a state machine design and simulation environment. If this is a new concept... read more >>
Will's pick this week is SIR Math Model of Virus Spread (Coronavirus or other) by Tom Beekhuysen. One of the most popular Simulink submissions at the moment is a model that predicts the daily... read more >>
Greg’s pick this week is simulinkParser by Tigran Mkhoyan.
How do you manage different simulation scenarios in your Simulink models?
Tigran provides a simple semantic language to describe how… read more >>
Will‘s pick this week is The Curling Game by Corey Lagunowich.
The Winter Olympics may be over, but for some of us, a thirst for curling is never truly sated. Well I have good news for those of… read more >>
Greg’s pick this week is Example MATLAB class wrapper for a C++ class by Oliver Woodford.
You have a C++ class that you would like to instantiate in MATLAB.
If you are using MATLAB…
Sean‘s pick this week is Line – Goto From Tool by McSCert.
While reading Guy’s post about the new signal highlighting capabilities in R2017b, I was reminded of this… read more >>
Richard is Consulting Engineer at MathWorks focused on the Embedded Coder product for code generation, primarily in the Aerospace
Richard’s pick this week is Source…
Sean's pick this week is Data Acquisition Tool by Isaac Noh. Data Acquisition Hardware Have you ever wanted to bring data directly from hardware into MATLAB or... read more >>
Richard is a Consultant at MathWorks focused on the Embedded Coder product for code generation, primarily in the Aerospace industry. Richard's pick this week... read more >>