File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 11 - 20 of 69

結果: Video

Puzzler: Difficult algorithm development challenge 8

This week’s puzzler is significantly harder than others we have done in the past, I would be surprised (and delighted) to see an answer before I go home tonight…
The challenge is shown… 続きを読む >>

Post your MATLAB Videos 3

It is no secret that I like teaching MATLAB through videos. I use Camtasia to make and edit my videos, I am very happy using it. If you want to make MATLAB videos too, you can use Jing, by the… 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Puzzler: Finding the two closest points 29

Here is a new MATLAB Puzzler.
Given two vectors representing the X and Y coordinates of some points, find the two closest points in Cartesian space.

n = 10;
x = rand(1,n);
y = rand(1,n);

Brett… 続きを読む >>

Accessing data from one widget to another in GUIDE 4

Last time, I showed how to add the newly documented UITABLE to a GUI. [click here] There were a few questions [click here] about how to access the data in the UITABLE from the callback of another… 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Basics: Adding a table to a GUI 42

MATLAB GUI developers often want to have a mini-spreadsheet in their GUI. This can be done with a new widget added to the set of controls available in GUIDE. Now with UITABLE you can add that… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: Timer objects 33

Sometimes you want something to update in MATLAB on a regular schedule. Timer objects can do that for you. We first introduced this for test and measurement applications, but it has since been moved… 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Basics: Using dbstop if error 13

When MATLAB throws an error, if you are in a function, you will end up at the base workspace and lose access to the variables as they were in the function when the error was thrown. This makes it… 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Basics: Array of structures vs Structures of arrays 26

This short video covers the difference between a “structure of arrays” and an “array of… 続きを読む >>

Advanced MATLAB: Handles and other inputs to GUIDE callbacks 17

There are three inputs to every automatically generated callback from GUIDE:
function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
A common question that I am asked is “What is the handles… 続きを読む >>

Widgetpalooza: 12 widgets coded up in a GUI 9

This short video starts with two minutes of trying every widget on the example GUI. Then there is five and a half minutes of showing the callbacks on the widgets.

Push button
Push button with a… 続きを読む >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 69

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