Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Can you share an MMT with us?

Note added July 30, 2008: See this post for an update.

In September I wrote about customer-reported speed issues related to TIFF files containing a very large number (thousands or tens of thousands) of images. I've started to call these things MMTs (massively multipage TIFFs).

If you have experienced this kind of performance problem and you have an MMT that you'd be willing to share with us, please let me know. We can synthesize files here, of course, but we prefer to get our hands on "real-world" files whenever possible.

Just send me an e-mail, and then we'll work out a method for transferring the file.

Thanks for your help.

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