Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

From the archives: All about pixel colors

When I started this blog in early 2006, one of my first series of articles was called "All About Pixel Colors." These articles discussed how MATLAB associates matrix values with specific screen pixel colors. The series talked about the two fundamental image display models (indexed and truecolor); the scaled indexed image variation; using indexed scaling to program brightness/contrast controls; and the grayscale and binary image conventions in the Image Processing Toolbox.

This material might be useful for people who have started reading this blog since then, so I've used our new category archive pages to gather the material together. In the sidebar on the right, under Categories, click on "Pixel colors."

Or, if you prefer, you can look at my MATLAB Digest article that was based on the blog postings.

I am slowly making more use of categories in my blog. If you have category suggestions, please let me know.

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