Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 71

Results for: 2007

bwselect 19

Didja know about the Image Processing Toolbox function bwselect? For a blog post I wrote earlier this month, I wanted a binary image containing only the central blob indicated in red... read more >>

Upslope area – Summary

Back in March I started writing about an algorithm implementation experiment for computing upslope area. Given an "image" whose pixel values are terrain elevations, the upslope area of a pixel is... read more >>

Finding bright objects 7

In a blog comment earlier this summer, someone asked how to find "which labeled regions have a bright spot greater than some threshold?" That's a good question. It can be done efficiently... read more >>

Upslope area – handling NaNs 2

Since I originally posted my upslope toolbox to MATLAB Central back in August, I have heard from some experts about an issue related to NaNs in the DEM data. Specifically, some data sets... read more >>

Category and archive links 2

We recently changed the view when you click on a category in the sidebar on the right. I haven't used categories much, but the other bloggers (Loren on the Art of MATLAB, Doug's Pick of the Week,... read more >>

Upslope area – vectorizing pixel flow calculations 2

At the beginning of the upslope area series, I posted code showing how to compute the direction of maximum slope for a triangular facet, and how to compute the flow direction for a pixel. This... read more >>

HDR and tone mapping links 12

In photography and color science, MathWorks developer Jeff Mather's personal interests intersect with his work. He guest-blogged here last year with a post about the CIE Standard Observer. Earlier... read more >>

Upslope area – influence and dependence maps

In my August 7th post on upslope area, I showed how to construct and solve the flow matrix to determine the upslope area for every pixel in a digital elevation model (DEM). In addition,... read more >>

Major image processing product updates 10

At the International Conference on Image Processing last week, almost everyone who visited the MathWorks booth was already a MATLAB user. Mostly, they wanted to know "What's new?"
That question is a...

How many images can fit in a TIFF file? 51

Note added July 30, 2008: See this post for an update. In a comment on my R2007b post last week, Vincent wanted to know why imread and imwrite are slow when dealing with TIFF files containing... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 71

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