Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Video Sudoku Solver

I just saw a very cool demo that I thought you might like. Teja Muppirala, an application engineer in our Japan office, created a tool that uses MATLAB, Image Processing Toolbox, Image Acquisition Toolbox, and a webcam to solve printed Sudoku puzzles. Here you can see Teja holding up an issue of MATLAB News and Notes in front of his webcam:

And here you can see a MATLAB figure showing that the puzzle has been read and solved:

Teja makes nice use of Image Processing Toolbox functions for block processing, binary morphology, region measurement, and geometric transforms. And he's got the whole thing working for streaming input, not just for a static image capture.

Take a look at the video Teja made. You can find all the code for the demo on the MATLAB Central File Exchange.

Nice work, Teja!

Published with MATLAB® 7.12

  • print


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