Timing the FFT
I've seen two questions recently about the speed of the fft function in MATLAB. First, a tech support question was forwarded to development. The user wanted to know how to predict the computation time for an FFT of a given length, N. This user was interested in values of N in the neighborhood of 4096 (2^12).
The second was a post in the MATLAB newsgroup comp.soft-sys.matlab. This user wondered why padding to the next power of two wasn't always the fastest way to compute the FFT.
Inspired by these questions, I want to show you today how to do some FFT benchmarking in MATLAB.
It turns out that, in general, the time required to execute an N-point FFT is proportional to N*log(N). For any particular value of N, though, the execution time can be hard to predict and depends on the number of prime factors of N (very roughly speaking). The variation in time between two close values of N can be as much as an order of magnitude.
Whenever I do FFT benchmarking, I find it very helpful to look at three sets of numbers:
- Powers of 2
- Composite numbers that are not powers of 2
- Prime numbers
Also, I have learned to look at plots that are log scale in N and that have roughly the same number of test values within each octave (or doubling) of N.
Constructing sets of N values along these lines takes a little thought. Here's some code.
First, how many powers of 2 do we want to examine? Based on the customer questions I saw, I want to examine the range from 1024 (2^10) to 131072 (2^17).
low2 = 10; high2 = 17; n2 = 2.^(low2:high2);
Next, I want to pick 10 composite numbers and 10 prime numbers in between successive powers of 2. I'd like to pick the numbers "randomly," but I also want my experiment to be repeatable. To satisfy these seemingly contradictory constraints, I'll reset the MATLAB random number generator before beginning.
rng('default'); % Initialize the vectors holding the prime N's and composite N's. np = []; nc = []; for m = low2:high2 k = (2^m):(2^(m+1)); kp = k(2:end-1); isp = isprime(kp); primes = kp(isp); composites = kp(~isp); % Use randperm to pick out 10 values from the vector of primes and 10 % values from the vector of composites. new_np = primes(randperm(length(primes),10)); new_nc = composites(randperm(length(composites),10)); np = [np new_np]; nc = [nc new_nc]; end
Now let's use the function timeit to measure the execution time required to compute FFTs for all these values of N. (If you don't have a recent version of MATLAB that has timeit, you can get a version of it from the File Exchange.)
t2 = zeros(size(n2)); for k = 1:length(n2) x = rand(n2(k),1); t2(k) = timeit(@() fft(x)); end
tp = zeros(size(np)); for k = 1:length(np) x = rand(np(k),1); tp(k) = timeit(@() fft(x)); end
tc = zeros(size(np)); for k = 1:length(nc) x = rand(nc(k),1); tc(k) = timeit(@() fft(x)); end
Now do a loglog plot of all these times.
loglog(n2,t2,'o') set(gca,'xtick',2.^(10:17)) xlim([2^10 2^17]) hold on loglog(nc,tc,'+') loglog(np,tp,'*') hold off legend({'Powers of 2','Composite numbers','Prime numbers'}, ... 'Location','NorthWest') xlabel('N') ylabel('Execution time (s)') title('FFT execution time as a function of N')
You can see that there's a wide spread of execution times for the values of N that are not powers of 2.
One thing I'm not seeing is what the MATLAB Newsgroup poster reported. That is, I don't see a non-power-of-2 time that's faster than the next highest power of 2.
So let's look a little harder for composite numbers that are faster than what we've seen so far. Specifically, I'm going to look for values of N with prime factors no bigger than 3.
nn = []; for m = low2:high2 k = (2^m):(2^(m+1)); kp = k(2:end-1); kp = kp(randperm(length(kp))); nn_m = []; for q = 1:length(kp) if max(factor(kp(q))) <= 3 nn_m = [nn_m kp(q)]; if length(nn_m) >= 4 % We've found enough in this part of the range. break end end end nn = [nn nn_m]; end
Measure execution times for these "highly composite" numbers.
tn = zeros(length(nn),1); for k = 1:length(nn) x = rand(nn(k),1); tn(k) = timeit(@() fft(x)); end
Add the times to the plot.
hold on loglog(nn,tn,'d') hold off legend({'Powers of 2','Composite numbers','Prime numbers', ... 'Highly composite numbers'},'Location','NorthWest')
You can see that sometimes a non-power-of-2 can be computed very fast, faster than the next higher power of 2. In this experiment we found one such value of N: 39366. This number has 10 prime factors:
ans = 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
I hope you enjoyed these experiments with FFT benchmarking. I can tell you from personal experience that it can turn into almost a full-time hobby!
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