Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Using the Color Threshold app again

Back in the summer I had another chance to use the Color Thresholder, a very nice app that's in the Image Processing Toolbox. I happened to come across a question on MATLAB Answers - someone was looking for a way to segment the yellow region in this image:

I proposed using the Color Thresholder and the L*a*b* color space, and I showed this screen shot to demonstrate how to apply it to this problem:

I first wrote about the Color Thresholder back in 2014, shortly after the app first appeared ("Color Thresholder App in R2014a"). In that post, I played around with picture of candy lying on my desk:

Besides figuring out how to segment all the different candy colors, I also discovered how to characterize the color of my desk:

The Color Thresholder is a very useful tool. Give it a look!

Published with MATLAB® R2019b

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