Student Lounge

Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

Posts 1 - 10 of 16

다음에 대한 결과: Video

YOLOv2 Object Detection: Data Labelling to Neural Networks in MATLAB 10


Today in this blog, we will talk about the complete workflow of Object Detection using Deep Learning. You will learn the step by step approach of Data Labeling, training a YOLOv2 Neural Network, and… 더 읽어보기 >>

How to Accelerate your Signal Processing Tasks with MATLAB Apps


This blog post is by Liping Wang, the technical evangelist of student competitions in China.

When I was a signal and information processing student, I knew that MATLAB provides a series of powerful… 더 읽어보기 >>

Walking Robot Modeling and Simulation 33

In this post, I will discuss robot modeling and simulation with Simulink®, Simscape™, and Simscape Multibody™. To put things in context, I will walk you through a walking robot example (get… 더 읽어보기 >>

It’s time for the MathWorks Minidrone Competition!

Today’s guest post is by Maitreyee Mordekar. Maitreyee is in charge of the MathWorks student drone competitions. She’ll announce the MathWorks Minidrone Competition and share essential information… 더 읽어보기 >>

Why Model-Based Design to Build Your Racecar 2

Today, let me share why I would model and simulate while designing a race car.
Bottom line: It can save you time, resources, and help you test your ideas that would be difficult to realize using… 더 읽어보기 >>

Mastering Autonomous Parking using Simulink and ROS


Today’s guest post is by Maximilian Mühlbauer. Maximilian was head of autonomous driving at TUfast Eco for the last season and will share their autonomous journey for the 2018 Shell… 더 읽어보기 >>

“Courses Taught Me Theory, Competitions Made Me an Engineer” (P. Tischler) 1

Connell D’Souza is back and shares some learnings from the SUAS competition.

We have just been through a great competition summer where I met some very fascinating people from different… 더 읽어보기 >>

Introducing Autonomous Systems to High School Students

Today, Connell d’Souza shares another guest post with us.
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I have always been fascinated by younger generations being able to grasp the nuances of technology much faster. I have… 더 읽어보기 >>

No Robot? No Problem! – Program Robots Using Simulations 2

Today,  Jose Avendano Arbelaez shares another guest post with us. Make sure you let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
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Robotics programmers have been putting more emphasis on… 더 읽어보기 >>

CFD Modeling using MATLAB 5

In today’s post, Wojciech Regulski introduces you to modeling fluid dynamics using MATLAB. Wojciech has a PhD in mechanical engineering from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, and has… 더 읽어보기 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 16

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