How Far Apart Are Two Random Points in a Square?

How far apart can you expect two points chosen at random in the unit square to be? I found this problem on the YouTube channel maintained by Presh Talwalkar, Mind Your Decisions. He correctly calls it a very hard puzzle. At first, I guessed the answer might be 1/2. But the correct answer is more interesting than that.



Let's do a Monte Carlo simulation to get a numerical estimate. Sampling one million pairs of points doesn't take much time.

   n = 1000000;
   sum = 0;
   for k = 1:n
       x = rand(1,2);
       y = rand(1,2);
       delta = norm(x-y);
       sum = sum + delta;
   format short
   delta = sum/n
delta =

It turns out that this run of the simulation generates a result that is accurate to the four digit precision of format short. But can we find the exact value?

Quadruple Integral

The expected distance, δ, can be expressed as this quadruple integral, but the Symbolic Toolbox cannot find a closed form.

δ=10101010(x1y1)2+(x2y2)2 dx1dy1dx2dy2

Double Integral

Make the substitutions x=x1y1 and y=x2y2 and consider the integral over the four regions where these variables are positive or negative. The four integrals are equal to each other and we obtain this double integral.

δ=41010x2+y2 (1x)(1y) dxdy

Numerical Integration

Let's tackle this double integral numerically.

   F = @(x,y) 4*sqrt(x.^2+y.^2).*(1-x).*(1-y);
   delta = integral2(F,0,1,0,1)
delta =

Polar Coordinates

Switch to polar coordinates, r and θ. The x2+y2 term is simply r and the double integral has two equal halves about the 45o line, θ=π/4.

δ/8=π/40secθ0r(1rcosθ)(1rsinθ) rdrdθ

Symbolic Integration

The integrand is a polynomial in r.

   syms r theta real
   F = expand(r^2*(1-r*cos(theta))*(1-r*sin(theta)))
F =
r^2 - r^3*sin(theta) - r^3*cos(theta) + r^4*cos(theta)*sin(theta)

The Toolbox can integrate this polynomial easily.

   inner = int(F,r,0,sec(theta))
inner =
1/(12*cos(theta)^3) - sin(theta)/(20*cos(theta)^4)

The Toolbox can also do the outer integral over θ.

   outer = int(inner,theta,0,pi/4)
outer =
log(2^(1/2) + 1)/24 + 2^(1/2)/120 + 1/60

Multiply by 8.

   delta = 8*outer
delta =
log(2^(1/2) + 1)/3 + 2^(1/2)/15 + 2/15

Generate a latex representation for δ to cut and paste later into this post.


Numerical value

   format long
   delta = double(delta)
delta =

This Is My Final Answer

Here is the result.


Three Dimensions

What about three dimensions? How far apart can you expect two points chosen at random in the unit cube to be? I'll leave that as a challenge and invite anyone who thinks they know the answer to post a comment.


Thanks to Presh Talwalkar for this little nugget.

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

  • print


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