Three-Term Recurrence Relations and Bessel Functions
Three-term recurrence relations are the basis for computing Bessel functions.
A Familiar Three-Term Recurrence
Start with two large integers, say 514229 and 317811. For reasons that will soon become clear, I'll label them f30 and f29.clear n = 30 f(30) = 514229; f(29) = 317811
n = 30 f = Columns 1 through 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Columns 7 through 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Columns 13 through 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Columns 19 through 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 Columns 25 through 30 0 0 0 0 317811 514229Now take repeated differences, and count backwards. fn−1=fn+1−fn, n=29,28,...,2,1
for n = 29:-1:2 f(n-1) = f(n+1) - f(n); end n f
n = 2 f = Columns 1 through 6 0 1 1 2 3 5 Columns 7 through 12 8 13 21 34 55 89 Columns 13 through 18 144 233 377 610 987 1597 Columns 19 through 24 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 Columns 25 through 30 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229Recognize those integers? They're the venerable Fibonacci numbers. I've just reversed the usual procedure for computing them. And, I didn't pick the first two values at random. In fact, their choice is very delicate. Try picking any other six-digit integers, and see if you can take 30 differences before you hit a negative value. Of course, we usually start with f0=0, f1=1 and go forward with additions. The relation fn=fn+1−fn−1
Friedrich Bessel
Friedrich Bessel was a German astronomer, mathematician and physicist who lived from 1784 until 1846. He was a contemporary of Gauss, but the two had some sort of falling out. Although he did not have a university education, he made major contributions to precise measurements of planetary orbits and distances to stars. He has a crater on the Moon and an asteroid named after him. In mathematics, the special functions that bear his name were actually discovered by someone else, Daniel Bernoulli, and christened after Bessel's death. They play the same role in polar coordinates that the trig functions play in Cartesian coordinates. They are applicable in a wide range of fields, from physics to finance.Bessel Functions
Bessel functions are defined by an ordinary differential equation that generalizes the harmonic oscillator to polar coordinates. The equation contains a parameter n, the order. x2y″+xy′+(x2−n2)y=0Miller's Algorithm
Miller's algorithm also employs this interesting identity, which I'll call the normalizer. J0(x)+2J2(x)+2J4(x)+2J6(x)+ ...=1Matrix Formulation
You know that I like to describe algorithms in matrix terms. The three-term recurrence generates a tridiagonal matrix. But which three diagonals? I can put the three below the diagonal, above the diagonal, or centered on the diagonal. This is accomplished with the second argument of the sparse matrix generator, spdiags. Here is the code. type blt
function B = blt(n,x,loc) % BesseL Three term recurence. % B = blt(n,x,loc) is an n-by-n sparse tridiagonal coefficent matrix % that generates the Bessel functions besselj((0:n-1)',x). % loc specifies the location of the diagonals. % loc = 'center', the default, centers the three diagonals. % loc = 'lower' puts the three diagonals in the lower triangle. % loc = 'upper' puts the three diagonals in the upper triangle. if nargin == 2 loc = 'center'; end switch loc case 'center', locd = -1:1; case 'lower', locd = -2:0; case 'upper', locd = 0:2; end % Three term recurrence: 2*n/x * J_n(x) = J_(n-1)(x) + J_n+1(x). d = -2*(0:n-1)'/x; e = ones(n,1); B = spdiags([e d e],locd,n,n); end
If there were no roundoff error, and if we knew the values of the first two Bessel functions, J0(x) and J1(x), we could use backslash, the linear equation solver, with the diagonals in the lower triangle to compute Jn(x) for n>1. Here, for example, is x=1.format long J = @(n,x) besselj(n,x); n = 8 x = 1.0 B = blt(n,x,'lower'); rhs = zeros(n,1); rhs(1:2) = J((0:1)',x); v = B\rhs
n = 8 x = 1 v = 0.765197686557967 0.440050585744934 0.114903484931901 0.019563353982668 0.002476638964110 0.000249757730213 0.000020938338022 0.000001502326053These values are accurate to almost all the digits shown. Except for the last one. It's beginning to show the effects of severe numerical instability. Let's try a larger value of n.
n = 18 B = blt(n,x,'lower'); rhs = zeros(n,1); rhs(1:2) = J((0:1)',x); v = B\rhs; semilogy(0:n-1,v,'o-') title('J_n(1)') xlabel('n')
n = 18

We need to make one modification to the upper triangular coefficient matrix. n = 30;
B = blt(n,x,'upper');
B(n-1,n) = 0;
Now the last two rows and columns are a 2-by-2 identity.
ans = 1 0 0 1The back substitution process just runs the three-term recursion backwards. We need to start with Jn−1(x) and Jn−2(x).
rhs = zeros(n,1); rhs(n-1:n) = J((n-2:n-1)',x); format long e v = B\rhs
v = 7.651976865579656e-01 4.400505857449330e-01 1.149034849319004e-01 1.956335398266838e-02 2.476638964109952e-03 2.497577302112342e-04 2.093833800238925e-05 1.502325817436807e-06 9.422344172604491e-08 5.249250179911870e-09 2.630615123687451e-10 1.198006746303136e-11 4.999718179448401e-13 1.925616764480172e-14 6.885408200044221e-16 2.297531532210343e-17 7.186396586807488e-19 2.115375568053260e-20 5.880344573595754e-22 1.548478441211652e-23 3.873503008524655e-25 9.227621982096665e-27 2.098223955943776e-28 4.563424055950103e-30 9.511097932712488e-32 1.902951751891381e-33 3.660826744416801e-35 6.781552053554108e-37 1.211364502417112e-38 2.089159981718163e-40These values are accurate to almost all the significant digits shown. The backwards recursion suppresses the unwanted Yn(x) and the process is stable.
Can we avoid having to know those two starting values? Yes, by using a matrix formulation of the Miller algorithm. Insert the normalization condition in the first row. Now B is tridiagonal, except for first row, which is[1 0 2 0 2 0 2 ... ]Other rows have 1 s on the super- and subdiagonal and −2n/x on the diagonal of the (n+1) -st row.
n = 30;
B = blt(n,x);
B(1,1:2) = [1 0];
B(1,3:2:n) = 2;

rhs = eye(n,1); format long e v = B\rhs semilogy(0:n-1,v,'o-') xlabel('n') title('J_n(1)')
v = 7.651976865579665e-01 4.400505857449335e-01 1.149034849319005e-01 1.956335398266840e-02 2.476638964109954e-03 2.497577302112343e-04 2.093833800238926e-05 1.502325817436807e-06 9.422344172604494e-08 5.249250179911872e-09 2.630615123687451e-10 1.198006746303136e-11 4.999718179448401e-13 1.925616764480171e-14 6.885408200044220e-16 2.297531532210343e-17 7.186396586807487e-19 2.115375568053260e-20 5.880344573595753e-22 1.548478441211652e-23 3.873503008524655e-25 9.227621982096663e-27 2.098223955943775e-28 4.563424055950102e-30 9.511097932712487e-32 1.902951751891381e-33 3.660826744416762e-35 6.781552053355331e-37 1.211364395117367e-38 2.088559301926495e-40

Relative error
w = J((0:n-1)',x); relerr = (v - w)./w; semilogy(0:n-1,abs(relerr) + eps*(v==w),'o-') xlabel('n') title('relative error')

Triangular Factors
The LU decomposition of B shows no pivoting for this value of x, but there is fill-in. The normalization condition is mixing in with the recurrence.[L,U] = lu(B); spy(L) title('L') snapnow spy(U) title('U')

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