MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from all of us here at the Inside the MATLAB Desktop blog! Hopefully you got some time off this holiday season to recharge and gear up for another great year.

Our New Years resolution is to help you stream-line your workflow by filling you in on the latest MATLAB features, and maybe even show you some features that have been in there all along! We’d also like to broaden the scope of our blog beyond just features and talk about all aspects of the MATLAB Desktop. Here are some topics we’re thinking of:

  1. How to submit enhancement requests and best practices for doing so
  2. How we choose new features for the MATLAB Desktop
  3. The history of the MATLAB Desktop
  4. Platform uniqueness – when should the MATLAB Desktop obey User Interface guidelines and when is it OK to stray from those guidelines

What do you think of these topics? Is there anything you’d like to have us talk about?

As always, we love your feedback! So feel free to tell it to us like it is!


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