MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Introducing MATLAB Answers

This week I’d like to introduce guest poster Garth Mitchell from our product marketing team to tell you about our latest community product, MATLAB Answers.

We are excited to announce the recent launch of MATLAB Answers, which is a collaborative environment designed to allow you to get the best answers to your programming questions about MathWorks products.

MATLAB Answers makes it easy to ask and answer questions because it provides you with the ability to:

  • Select the best answers to your questions
  • Vote up the best answers
  • Gain reputation by contributing questions and answers

Since this is the first release more features will be added later, but the application is currently robust enough to handle your Q&A needs. That being said, go ahead and try out this new application and let us know what you think.

Editor’s note: I’ve already “constructively used” quite a bit of time on the site. It’s a lot of fun, but right now a bit heavy on MathWorks employees answering questions. I recommend that you try both asking and answering a question. Be sure to send any feedback you have to

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