File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

R2013a is Live!

Today's "Pick" is just a quick announcement: R2013a is live, and available for immediate download! You may be aware that we're on a twice-yearly release cycle: R2011a, R2011b; R2012a, R2012b... and now, as of Thursday, March 7.

With each release, there are numerous reasons to update. R2012b was a major release for us, and in addition to lots of performance enhancements and new functions across many of our Toolboxes, we saw a redesign of the MATLAB Desktop.

So what can you expect from R2013a? Highlights include:

  • A unit test framework for MATLAB that allows writing and running unit tests and analyzing test results
  • A new Trading Toolbox for automated and algorithmic trading, strategy development, and more
  • A new Fixed-Point Designer tool that combines the functionality of Fixed-Point Toolbox and Simulink Fixed Point
  • Performance improvements for fft and permute
  • Support vector machines (SVMs) for binary classification have moved from the Bioinformatics Toolbox to the Statistics Toolbox
  • Support in the Image Acquisition Toolbox for Kinect for Windows sensors
  • Search term highlighting and content expansion in the Help browser
  • Cascade object detector training in the Computer Vision System Toolbox (shameless plug: watch the File Exchange for my CascadeTrainGUI!)
  • The Contents pane is back on our documentation pages (my colleague Sean says this deserves many exclamation points!)
  • Updates and bug fixes to 82 products--too much more to mention here!

You might also notice some design improvements to our blog pages!

Get more details by browsing the Release Notes, and watch this quick video for an overview.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments.

Published with MATLAB® R2013a

  • print


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