Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Input from tech support

Recently, our application support engineers gave a series of presentations to development groups. These presentations summarized calls received by tech support about different products. I thought I'd share some things that interested me in the presentation covering the Image Processing Toolbox.

There were a few "customer-favorite" functions mentioned. These included:

  • regionprops - Measure properties of image regions (blob analysis)
  • bwlabel - Label connected components in binary image
  • graythresh - Global image threshold
  • imtool - Image navigation, viewing, and pixel inspection tool

Then there were the problem spots. Here are a couple of samples:

  • How different image types (grayscale, indexed, RGB, binary) work is a source of confusion.

    It's true - to use the Image Processing Toolbox effectively, it's important to understand the different ways that matrix values can correspond to pixel colors. That's one reason I wrote several blog entries on this very topic. You might also want to look at the relevant chapter of the Users Guide.

  • Some users want to use cpselect, the control-point selection GUI, as part of the workflow in another GUI. Specifically, they want to write code that launches cpselect, waits for the user to select the control points, and then continue. Currently there's no real way to do that.

    The development team is actively exploring this particular use case, and we hope to have something to help you out in a future release.

Do you have any particular favorites or frustrations to share? Feel free to leave a comment on the blog.

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