Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 80

Results for: 2006

Separable convolution: Part 2 25

Back in October I introduced the concept of filter separability. A two-dimensional filter s is said to be separable if it can be written as the convolution of two one-dimensional filters v and... read more >>

Tetrahedral interpolation for colorspace conversion 2

The Image Processing Toolbox function applycform can convert colors based on ICC profiles. ICC standards for the International Color Consortium, and an ICC profile typically contains... read more >>

Old habits 4

Last time I showed off custom data cursors with a little utility function that displays object labels as data cursors: My code used label2rgb to display a "colorized" label... read more >>

Labeling labeled objects 82

A post in comp.soft-sys.matlab this week (see the third post in this thread) asked how to display graphically the numerical labels associated with each labeled object. In this blog I'll show a... read more >>

Bit slices

Blog reader Kathirvel wanted to know more about the MATLAB default image and how it was formed. I'll show briefly how it was done, using a small magic square and a Pascal matrix. m =...

Blog reader Kathirvel wanted to know more about the MATLAB default image and how it was formed.

I'll show briefly how it was done, using a small magic square and a Pascal matrix.

Nonflat grayscale dilation and erosion 22

Blog reader Alex asked for an explanation of nonflat grayscale dilation and erosion. In the most commonly-used form of dilation, the structuring element defines a neighborhood of a pixel. In... read more >>

Software development tools for engineers 9

Back in September I wrote that I would be attending the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing this month, and that I would be giving a seminar on software development tools and... read more >>

Getting MATLAB code from blog postings 8

Back in January, I wrote that I was using the MATLAB publish feature to generate some of my blog posts. Since then, I've used publish for almost every post. I write my post as a MATLAB script, and... read more >>

Hough transform coordinate system 19

Reader JP asked me about my recent blog post on the Hough transform. Specifically, she wanted to know exactly how the rho-theta coordinate system was defined. When I answered her question, ... read more >>

The Story Behind the MATLAB Default Image 13

Image display was added in version 4 of MATLAB, sometime around 1990. Many observant users noticed that the low-level image display object had default pixel values. In other... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 80