We will have a two-part minisymposium on "Bohemian Matrices" at ICIAM2019, the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Valencia, Spain, July 15-19. This is an outline of my talk.... 続きを読む >>
This is a summary of my talk at the conference Celebrating the Centenary of James H. Wilkinson's Birth at the University of Manchester, May 29.... 続きを読む >>
On May 29-30, I plan to attend a conference, organized by Nick Higham, at the University of Manchester. The title of the conference is... 続きを読む >>
Let me tell you about MATLAB's controversial function rat.... 続きを読む >>
This post is by my colleague Cosmin Ionita.... 続きを読む >>
Why are manhole covers round? It is so they won't fall through the hole they are intended to cover. They have the same diameter regardless of where it is measured. If the hole has a slightly smaller diameter, it is not possible to orient the cover so that it will fall through. A square or rectangular cover can be turned slightly and it will easily fit through the hole.... 続きを読む >>
Sedona Arizona is a perfect site for the first MathWorks excursion into lifestyle products.... 続きを読む >>
My MATLAB® program, amaze, generates mazes by combining old friends, numgrid and delsq, with a new friend, the graph object. Let's see how we make this example maze.... 続きを読む >>
For the past month I have been working with the variable format 16-bit floating point arithmetic that I described in this post. It has been frustrating work. I have found that the limited precision and limited range of half precision make it barely usable for the kind of experiments with matrix computation that I like to do. In this post I will describe a few of these experiments.... 続きを読む >>