Special Notice If you have been following my posts about Wordle, be sure to see the puzzle in today's New York Times, Tuesday, April 4.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) ... 更多内容 >>
Special Notice If you have been following my posts about Wordle, be sure to see the puzzle in today's New York Times, Tuesday, April 4.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) ... 更多内容 >>
When I tackle a Wordle puzzle, I like to make all the key decisions myself. My three assistants set up puzzles and suggest words when I ask for help, but I guide the actual solution. My assistants also make it possible for me to play Wordle anywhere, anytime, even when my laptop is in airplane mode. I don't need the New York Times or access to the Web.... 更多内容 >>
I am late joining the Wordle craze. Over a year ago, MATLAB programs for solving Wordle puzzles were described by Adam Filion as a guest blogger on Loren's blog and by Matt Tearle with a YouTube video. But my programs for Wordle Assistants are different. WordBot doesn't try to solve any puzzles and Words just supplies lists of possible words. I enjoy providing the solution logic myself.... 更多内容 >>
I have been writing books, programs, newsletter columns and blogs since 1990. I have now collected all of this material into one repository. Cleve's Corner Collection consists of 458 "documents", all available on the internet. There are... 更多内容 >>
How can you measure the distance between two words? How can you find the closest match to a word in a list of words? The Levenshtein distance between two strings is the number of single character deletions, insertions, or substitutions required to transform one string into the other. This is also known as the edit distance.... 更多内容 >>