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Results for: Editor

Controlling the MATLAB Path from the Editor 8

Quiz: When setting a breakpoint in a file open in the Editor, your primary motivation is

To stop at the corresponding line of code in the debugger.
To change the MATLAB current folder.
To add the...

Enumeration Templates

Ever since Class Objects were first introduced in R2008a, we’ve improved or added to their functionality. In R2010b, we have official support for Enumerations. Enumerations are type-safe… read more >>

R2010b Comment Wrapping Improvements, Continued 4

In our last post, we talked about how you no longer have to select anything to tidy up your comments, and about how comment wrapping no longer splits long strings like URLs. In today’s post… read more >>

Automatic Variable Highlighting 19

Another new feature in the MATLAB R2010b Editor is the automatic highlighting of variable and subfunction names. Highlighting a variable or subfunction usage is easy, just click on any variable or… read more >>

R2010b Comment Wrapping Improvements 8

In R2010b we made a series of improvements to the “comment wrapping” feature in the MATLAB Editor. In this two-part series, we’ll take a detailed dive into those improvements.
In this first…

New and Updated Features in MATLAB R2010b 11

Even though our 6-month releases are well scheduled, it always feels like they sneak up on me. Well, MATLAB R2010b is available now. There are lots of great new features in there, including a few… read more >>

Debugging Points 2

Every so often we’re lucky enough to have a customer come visit MathWorks and talk to us about his or her MATLAB experience. This week one such user gave us a great presentation of his image… read more >>

Editing MATLAB Code in Simulink

Guy Rouleau over at Seth on Simulink recently wrote about the different ways to include MATLAB code in a Simulink model. One of these ways is using an Embedded MATLAB block. Embedded MATLAB… read more >>

Editor Tab Switching 11

Ken’s been kind enough to point out in the comments on how to switch between open files in the MATLAB Editor. The keyboard shortcut

Ctrl+Page Up to move from right to left on the… read more >>

Selecting a whole line 16

I’m thinking of turning posts about our underutilized features into a reoccurring series. What do you think of “Hidden Gems” or “Desktop Tricks & Tips” or “11… read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 79

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