Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Data Log Importer (new feature)

Do you have a device that stores data on a USB drive? These devices are a common way to track sensors with a higher resolution or when you do not have an Internet connection for that device. The issue is that the data is stuck on the drive. We have solved that with the ThingSpeak Importer!

All you have to do now is upload your data file to ThingSpeak and you can instantly see charts, run any of the data processing commands that we have like Rounding, Averaging, Summing, Median, and Timescaling, and have the data accessible from our APIs.

To get started, select a ThingSpeak Channel and click Import Data. The file needs to be in a CSV format and include a date stamp with your data. Otherwise, we will do the rest. For more questions, checkout the documentation or ask for help in the forum.

We also added CSV import to the Open Source ThingSpeak on GitHub.

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