Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

New Spline Charts for IoT Data Visualizations

Once your data gets into ThingSpeak, you than want to do something with it. A first step is to see the data. If the data are sensor values from a Nest thermostat for example, then you want to see it as a chart. We added a new way to visualize your data by adding Spline Charts! Spline Charts are super easy to create with ThingSpeak, just add “type=spline” to your ThingSpeak Chart API call. (And of course, once you have it as a chart, you may want to embed it on our ioBridge Dashboard application.)

Here’s what the new Spline Chart looks like:

Here’s a regular line chart:

And just as a reminder, here are all of the supported ThingSpeak Chart types:

  • type=bar
  • type=column
  • type=line
  • type=spline

For complete ThingSpeak Charts documentation, check out ThingSpeak Docs.

  • print


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