Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Schedule MATLAB Code with TimeControl

Here at our headquarters we have a weather station collecting lots of weather data and sending it to ThingSpeak. We have made that data public for use in your own projects.

MathWorks Weather Station

We write the temperature and humidity values from the weather station to a ThingSpeak channel. At some point in the project, we started to wonder about dew point calculations. We wrote some MATLAB code that combined the temperature and humidity to calculate dew point. I did this using the ThingSpeak app, “MATLAB Analysis”. You can try this out with ThingSpeak now by signing in, selecting Apps, MATLAB Analysis, New, selecting “Calculate Dew point”, and clicking “Create”. This happens to be one of our built-in examples using our weather station’s public data.

It is great that it was easy to calculate dew point with MATLAB, but I want to see this analyzed data over time just like any other sensor data. The solution is a powerful combination of MATLAB Analysis and TimeControl. We use MATLAB Analysis to do the analysis and write the data to a ThingSpeak channel. Then, we use the TimeControl app to repeat the analysis every 5 minutes.

To setup MATLAB Analysis on a schedule, sign into ThingSpeak, select Apps, TimeControl, and New TimeControl.

Dew Point TimeControl in ThingSpeak

My MATLAB code now runs every 5 minutes doing analysis and writing data to my ThingSpeak channel. The TimeControl settings can be tailored to your needs such as executing MATLAB code once a day or only on weekends. This combination of MATLAB Analysis + TimeControl allows you to create continuous analysis of your project data.

To try this out for yourself, we have a public channel of weather station data that we have collected in Natick, MA at our headquarters. You can use that data and do your own MATLAB Analysis and writing the results back to your own channel. Also, Check out the ThingSpeak Documentation where we have a complete tutorial for you to help get started with ThingSpeak and MATLAB.

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