Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Results for: Instructables

Learn How to Build a Custom Android App for a ThingSpeak IoT Project 3

ThingSpeak has APIs for collecting data produced by sensors and APIs for reading that data from applications. Think of an IoT project as two parts. One part of the project is where you need to… read more >>

Forgetting Something on Your To Do List? Use MATLAB to Analyze Your Tasks.

Allie Fauer, a designer from New York, has released another awesome Instructable tutorial on how to build a “To Do List Reminder Light”. This project is very creative and easy to build on… read more >>

Let Your Plants Tweet Using Spark and ThingSpeak

Head over to Instructables to learn how to make your plants Tweet using Spark Wi-Fi and ThingSpeak. Gregory Fenton created a project that monitors his plant’s soil moisture and then notifies… read more >>

[Instructables] Wi-Fi Temperature Data Logger

[noel portugal] is at it again! This time Noel created a simple Wi-Fi based sensor data logger using ThingSpeak, the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, and a digital temperature sensor. At the heart of the… read more >>

Indoor Environmental Quality Station

[donmatito] created an Indoor Environmental Quality Station based on the Arduino platform and uses Bluetooth for connectivity to ThingSpeak cloud services. The great news is that… read more >>

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