Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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搜索结果: internet of things

ThingSpeak MQTT Update: Access Control and IoT Device Management 4

ThingSpeak has released an update to the MQTT service that improves access control and device management for IoT projects. This new interface is available to all ThingSpeak users. Learn more in the… 更多内容 >>

Analyze and Visualize Air Quality Data with MATLAB 11

Have you ever wondered if the air around you is healthy? It is possible to understand air quality by using MATLAB to analyze air quality data collected by an air quality sensor on  ThingSpeak.

What… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Library for Arduino 1

The ThingSpeak team has released an updated version of the ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266, and ESP32 devices. The ThingSpeak library is the easiest way to get Arduino devices… 更多内容 >>

Deep Learning and IoT at University of Louisiana at Lafayette Science Day 2

This is a guest post by Diamond Blackwell, ACM-W President at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
On Friday, October 26, 2018, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette opened its doors to over… 更多内容 >>

Libelium Now Supports ThingSpeak with MATLAB enabled IoT Analytics

Libelium makes the Meshlium IoT Gateway that supports commercial IoT systems and sensor applications such as waste management, forest fire detection, potable water monitoring, supply chain… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Now Supports the Predictive Maintenance Toolbox for MATLAB 1

The ThingSpeak team has integrated the Predictive Maintenance Toolbox for MATLAB into the IoT Analytics features of ThingSpeak. The Predictive Maintenance Toolbox provides tools for labeling data,… 更多内容 >>

Organize Your ThingSpeak IoT Channels with Tags!

I am excited to announce a number of new features that are available to all ThingSpeak users. We added the ability for ThingSpeak channels to be organized by tags. ThingSpeak channels have a… 更多内容 >>

Discussions About How to Use MATLAB and Arduino on the MATLAB Maker Community 1

As most of you know I love building IoT projects. Most of these maker projects use an Arduino, Particle, or Raspberry Pi, like my IR color-changing robot that connects to ThingSpeak and the… 更多内容 >>

Join Us at the MIT Connected Things Conference

Join the MathWorks and ThingSpeak IoT team at the MIT Connected Things 2018 conference held at the MIT Media Lab on April 5, 2018. MathWorks is proud to be a sponsor for a second year and we are… 更多内容 >>

Learn How to Build a Condition Monitoring IoT System 1

Douglas Mawrey created a Smart Humidity Sensor using ThingSpeak to collect data, MATLAB to analyze the data, and IFTTT to send push notifications for certain conditions. This project uses the outdoor… 更多内容 >>

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