Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Posts 11 - 20 of 29

搜索结果: web of things

Schedule MATLAB Code with TimeControl 1

Here at our headquarters we have a weather station collecting lots of weather data and sending it to ThingSpeak. We have made that data public for use in your own projects.

We write the temperature… 更多内容 >>

Official ThingSpeak Library for Arduino and Particle 22

We are thrilled to announce the official ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino and Particle devices. This library enables an Arduino or other compatible hardware to write or read data to or… 更多内容 >>

Analyzing CheerLights with MATLAB

CheerLights is an Internet of Things project created by Hans Scharler that allows people’s lights all across the world to synchronize to one color set by Twitter. This is a way to connect… 更多内容 >>

Soldering Iron Connected to ThingSpeak with #NodeMCU and #ESP8266 Wi-Fi

[Vegard Paulsen] created a solder iron that reports its usage and temperature to ThingSpeak and alerts him when it was left on. He uses an NodeMCU / ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to collect the data and post… 更多内容 >>

Send Windows Server Data to ThingSpeak using PowerShell

Do you maintain Windows Servers? If so, you might want to track server resources. ThingSpeak accepts data from anything and fits perfectly for server monitoring, visualization, and analysis…. 更多内容 >>

Let Your Plants Tweet Using Spark and ThingSpeak

Head over to Instructables to learn how to make your plants Tweet using Spark Wi-Fi and ThingSpeak. Gregory Fenton created a project that monitors his plant’s soil moisture and then notifies… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Used to Track Luggage for Travel Internet of Things Applications 1

Chris Forsberg created an example Internet of Things project to track luggage using ThingSpeak, an Adafruit GSM Module, and an Arduino. He built a simple system to send data to ThingSpeak, such as… 更多内容 >>

CheerLights Arduino Sketch for FastLED Compatible Lights #featurefriday

We just created a FastLED and Arduino tutorial and Arduino Sketch to read in the latest CheerLights color and display it on FastLED compatible lights. CheerLights is a global network of colored… 更多内容 >>

Instant TweetControls #featurefriday

We spent some time enhancing our TweetControl App. TweetControl allows you to control things with Twitter. You setup a TweetControl to listen for a keyword mentioned on Twitter and we execute any web… 更多内容 >>

ThingSpeak Selects Phusion Passenger Enterprise to Power its Internet of Things API

The servers behind ThingSpeak have been slammed with data from all kinds of IoT devices and applications. We recently upgraded the entire backend of ThingSpeak and increased capacity to support our… 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 29