Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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搜索结果: App Building

MATLAB and Mind Reading Card Games 2

R2020a is upon us! Do you read the release notes? Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, apparently does, and he would like to share some new tricks using one of the new features. He also discusses sharing your code as a MATLAB app, since it is not easy to collaborate with people directly these days.... 更多内容 >>

Introducing Live Editor Tasks

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, David Garrison, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. Dave will talk about the new feature introduced in R2019b called Live Editor Tasks which allow you to complete steps in your workflow interactively from within the Live Editor.... 更多内容 >>

Stateflow Charts Come to MATLAB! 6

I have been a little bit slow in announcing some of the coolest new features/products in the most recent release, R2019a. Why should you even care? What does Stateflow do? It allows you show the logic behind the work you are doing. You may say "I can already do that in MATLAB with if/else statements, switch/case statements, etc. And you can. But as you add extra conditions, the nesting of code and at least my ability to fully comprehend it can create a lot of mental overhead and burden. With state charts, you can encapsulate extra condition behavior without quite some much clutter, and yet high clarity.... 更多内容 >>

The State of App Building in MATLAB 23

In my travels, I meet with many customers and they are always interested in learning about new MATLAB features and capabilities. One area that has a lot of interest is MATLAB app building. Many MATLAB users are interested in App Designer, GUIDE, and the future of the two app building platforms. So for this blog, I thought I would put some of those questions to Chris Portal, Development Manager for MATLAB Graphics & App Building, and David Garrison, MATLAB Product Manager.... 更多内容 >>

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