Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Posts 11 - 20 of 65

搜索结果: Fun

Ever Need to Explain… Machine Learning in a Nutshell?

Ever Need to Explain... Machine Learning in a Nutshell?Do you ever need to explain something to others unfamiliar with your work what it's about? One situation I frequently face is explaining machine... 更多内容 >>

Winners of the MATLAB Online Live Editor Challenge

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, David Garrison, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks.... 更多内容 >>

Of Love, Music, Shakespeare and Dynamic Systems 4

For any human being love is one of the biggest source of joy, happiness...problems and puzzles. Today's guest blogger, Aldo Caraceto, one of my fellow Application Engineers from Italy, is going to convince you to approach it from a different angle.... 更多内容 >>

When is a Baked Good a Cookie? 1

This is one time of the year when there is often an abundance of baked goods showing up in my office, and many others no doubt. And you hear people say things like, "That's the best cookie I ever had!". And sometimes a debate ensues.... 更多内容 >>

How to win ALL marbles in Mancala on your first move, with MATLAB! 2

Today's guest blogger is Anoush Najarian who leads the MATLAB Performance Team at MathWorks. And while she mostly focuses on helping MATLAB run fast, in her spare time, she likes to use MATLAB for hobby projects in robotics, math, and games.... 更多内容 >>

Optimizing a Structural Design

Today you'll see a new demonstration of applying optimization techniques. Today's guest is Takafumi Ohbiraki. This demonstration was part of the contents of the MATLAB EXPO which was held in Tokyo last year (2016).... 更多内容 >>

Find That Signpost! Using optimization and the Google Maps API in MATLAB to find a landmark 1

Interesting problems are everywhere. Today's guest blogger, Matt Tearle, loves the chance to apply MATLAB to any intellectually stimulating puzzle. It's a fun way to learn and practice new features.... 更多内容 >>

The Perverse Port Passing Problem

Today's guest blogger is Jos Martin, from the Parallel Computing group at MathWorks. Whilst normally focussing on making parallel computing both easy and fast in MATLAB, occasionally he likes to use MATLAB to explore other problem spaces. Here, he writes about an interesting random walk process he encountered that has allowed him to explore both simulation and analytic methods in MATLAB, and using each of those methods to help guide the other. ... 更多内容 >>

Analyzing Fake News with Twitter 4

Social media has become an important part of modern life, and Twitter is again a center of focus in recent events. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi gives us an update on how you can use MATLAB to analyze a Twitter feed.... 更多内容 >>

Speed Dating Experiment 2

Valentine's day is fast approaching and those who are in a relationship might start thinking about plans. For those who are not as lucky, read on! Today's guest blogger, Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, explores how you can be successful at speed dating events through data.... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 65