Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 26

搜索结果: Indexing

Rearranging Data 20

I can think of a lot of functions that rearrange data in MATLAB. I've long suspected that not all of these are well-known, though some are clearly daily tools. Maybe... 更多内容 >>

Unique Values Without Rearrangement 4

In MATLAB, the simplest form of the function unique returns the unique values contained in a numeric vector, with the results sorted. This is often acceptable, but sometimes a... 更多内容 >>

Coordinating Zero Removals from Multiple Arrays 13

I've fielded some questions recently about how to coordinate multiple arrays changing simultaneously. One example is removing elements for two arrays in the case where either... 更多内容 >>

Vectorizing the Notion of Colon (:) 14

The other day, one of my MathWorks buddies, Peter, asked me if I knew any tricks for vectorizing the notion of the colon (:) operator. For me, this sort of inquiry sometimes has an... 更多内容 >>

Timing Extraction of Parts of an Array 10

In Sarah's blog, Dan asked about speed of removing elements. There are a number of ways of deleting elements in MATLAB. So, what's the "best" way? ... 更多内容 >>

Acting on Specific Elements in a Matrix 32

Using MATLAB, there are several ways to identify elements from an array for which you wish to perform some action. Depending on how you've chosen the elements, you may either... 更多内容 >>

Deal or No Deal 21

This post continues in the theme from my last post, where people routinely come to me on a topic. Today I want to distinguish
between indexed assignment, where you can take advantage of scalar... 更多内容 >>

A Way to Account for Missing Data 15

MATLAB has the concept of Not-a-Number, also known as NaN for quite some time. Following the IEEE 754 Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, some floating point calculations result in NaN,... 更多内容 >>

Reversal of a sort 24

We can sometimes be motivated to reverse things in Boston. And I occasionally get asked how to reverse the sort direction from MATLAB. So instead of sorting A and then having B follow... 更多内容 >>

Assignment with Repeated Indices 15

I have had customers ask me occasionally about what happens during an indexed assignment when indices are repeated. The answer is that it depends on how you do the... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 26