File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 1 - 10 of 51

搜索结果: 2009

Input Dialog Box on Steroids

Jiro's pick this week is inputsdlg by Kesh. This is pretty cool. There are quite a few different types of predefined dialog boxes within MATLAB. I use them quite often, and they serve... 更多内容 >>

Sparklines Table 1.0 1

Bob's pick this week is Sparklines Table 1.0 by James Houghton. While I have not personally studied the methods of Edward Tufte* I have seen some interesting data... 更多内容 >>

The finest poker brains on your side!

NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange. I'm not a big fan of computer games (my own Yahtzee submission notwithstaning), but Luigi... 更多内容 >>

Back to Work with a Push and a Pop

Jiro's pick this week is pushd & popd by Peter Bodin. Navigating through folders is a big part of my MATLAB workflow, especially because I may be working on... 更多内容 >>

degrees and radians 12

Bob's pick this week is degrees and radians by Richard Medlock. These two helper functions are simple but useful. I don't know how many times I have needed... 更多内容 >>

Regular Expressions…a Cheat Sheet!

In my last Pick, I singled out someone who has contributed widely to image-processing discussions on the CSSM newsgroup. Today, I want to recognize a stalwart contributor to the MATLAB... 更多内容 >>

This “Peaks” My Interest 6

Jiro's pick this week is PeakFinder by Nate Yoder. "What? Another peak finder?" you might say. Some of you may classify this as one of those utilities that has been created by many... 更多内容 >>

Segmenting Coins…a Tutorial on Blob Analysis 6

Many of us who have used or participated in comp.soft-sys.matlab over the years--particularly those of us who have had occasion to solve image processing problems--have come to appreciate ... 更多内容 >>

allstats 5

Bob's pick this week is Allstats by Francisco de Castro. The file is simple enough. Given a data set,x = randn(1000,1); hist(x,100) allstats returns a list of... 更多内容 >>

Object Oriented Programming (MATLAB vs others)

Jiro's pick this week is "Comparison of object oriented code" by our very own Stuart McGarrity. To some of you, this may be old news, but I know that not everyone is up to date on newer... 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 51

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