Paul's votebar is a nice utility for viewing cylindrical three dimensional bar plots like you would see after an election. For example:
n = 4;
pct = randfixedsum(n,1,100,0,100); % File Exchange
votebar(100, pct, parula(n), 0);

Or in the case of the "Is my wife right?" CODY problem:
votebar(100,[100 0],[0 1 0; 0 0 1],0); text(1.5,-1,'Yes','FontSize',20) text(1.5,1.5,'No','FontSize',20) title('Is My Wife Right?')

Let's take a look at this with the election data from the 2014 Massachusetts gubernatorial race.
% Data and setup votes = [1041640 1001279 71144 19192 16125]; pct = votes./sum(votes)*100; names = {'Charlie Baker', 'Martha Coakley', 'Evan Falchuk', 'Scott Lively', 'Jeff McCormick'}; colors = [1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0.541 0.706 0.486]; % RGBcolors idx = [1 2 3 3 3].'; % Index into colors % Votebar hp = votebar(100, pct, colors(idx,:), 0); % Decorating legend(hp(3,:),names) lighting gouraud material shiny title('Massachusetts Gubernatorial Results') view(84,14) text(-6.5,-2,'%','FontSize',20)

Give it a try and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Paul.
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