Cleve Moler is the author of the first MATLAB, one of the founders of MathWorks, and is currently Chief Mathematician at the company. He is the author of two books about MATLAB that are available online. He writes here about MATLAB, scientific computing and interesting mathematics.
In my blog a month ago I mentioned a poster produced at the University of Western Ontario about the Lambert W function. And in my blog two weeks ago about the tower of powers
I said that if the base z is less that e−e, which is about 0.066, then the iteration evaluating the tower settles into a stable two-cycle. Both of these posts lead to today's blog where z moves in the complex plane.
The Iteration
The base of the iteration is a real or complex number z that stays fixed throughout the iteration. Start with y0=1 and simply iterate
If z is too large, then yk will quickly blow up. As we saw in my last blog, this happens for real z larger than e1/e, which is about 1.444.
For some z, the iterates yk approach a fixed point. An example is z=√2. The yk converge to 2. We regard fixed points as cycles of length 1.
An Example
Here is an example of a complex z that produces a cycle of length 7, z=2.5+4i.
format short
z = 2.5+4i
y = 1
for k = 1:7
y = z^y;
After 7 steps, we're not quite back at y = 1, but we're pretty close. Repeating the iteration a few dozen times brings us to a stable cycle of length 7 near this initial transient. Here is a picture.
Cycle Length
Finding cycle length involves saving the iterates on a stack and comparing each new iterate with the previous ones. The internal parameters of the function are the tolerance in the comparison, the stack size, and the maximum number of iterations. The cycle length is declared to be infinite if either the iterates go off to infinity or no match is found before the iteration limit is reached.
Here is the function.
type cycle
function c = cycle(z)
% CYCLE Cycle length of iterated power
% c = cycle(z)
tol = 1.e-4; % Tolerance
N = 40; % Height of stack
M = 2000; % Maximum number of iterations
S = zeros(N,1); % Stack
S(:) = NaN;
y = 1;
k = 0;
c = Inf;
while k < M
y = z^y;
k = k+1;
if isinf(y)
elseif any(abs(y-S) < tol)
c = min(find(abs(y-S) < tol));
S(2:N) = S(1:N-1);
S(1) = y;
Let's test the function on a few cases where we already know the answer.
cycle(sqrt(2)) % Should be 1
cycle(1.5) % Should be Inf
cycle(.05) % Should be 2
cycle(2.5+4i) % Should be 7
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
Good colormaps are an important aspect of generating good fractal images. I am using the colormaps from the Mandelbrot chapter of Experiments with MATLAB. These take small chunks of the colormaps from MATLAB itself and repeat them several times. The maps are called jets, hots, and cmyk and are included in the mandelbrot.m code. Here is one of them.
type jets
function cmap = jets(m)
c = jet(16);
e = ones(m/16,1);
cmap = kron(e,c);
Generate an Image
To generate a fractal image, put a grid over a region in the complex region, compute the cycle length for each grid point, and then use the MATLAB image function and one of the colormaps to produce a pseudocolor image. (This is an embarrassingly parallel task and has for many years been used to demonstrate parallel computers. Load balancing is a challenge. But I digress ...)
First Image
The image at the top of this post shows a large chunk of the complex plane. With the cmyk colormap, the infinite cycle lengths come out black. I can see that with a spy plot on my machine where I have saved the data.
load view1
While I am it, let's check the density of Inf's.
ans =
Over a quarter of the grid points have infinite cycle lengths.
Second Image
Zoom in on a smaller region in the plane, and use the jets colormap with its columns flipped. This is typical of the structure we see everywhere in this fractal, at all magnification levels. They are certainly not as rich as the Mandelbrot set, but I still them interesting.
Third Image
Zoom in farther, and use the hots colormap. The large brown region in the northwest corner is not infinite cycle length. It happens to be cycle == 16.
Here is the code that generates this image. It takes about 5 minutes to run on my laptop, which is a couple of years old.
type view3
x0 = 2.3825;
y0 = 3.7227;
d = 1.e-5;
nhalf = 200;
v = d*(-nhalf:nhalf);
[x,y] = meshgrid(x0+v,y0+v);
z = x+i*y;
u = zeros(size(z));
n = size(z,1)
for k = 1:n
for j = 1:n
u(k,j) = cycle(z(k,j));
axis square
The Lambert W Function, Poster, Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra,
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