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Results for: 2018

Teaching Calculus to a Deep Learner

MIT's Professor Gil Strang gave two talks in one morning recently at the SIAM annual meeting. Both talks derived from his experience teaching a new course at MIT on linear algebra and neural nets. His first talk, "The Structure of a Deep Neural Net", was in a minisymposium titled "Deep Learning and Deep Teaching", which he organized. Another talk in that minisymposium was by Drexel's Professor Pavel Grinfeld on "An Informal Approach to Teaching Calculus." An hour later, Gil's gave his second talk, "Teaching About Learning." It was an invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education.... read more >>

Antarctic Ships, Fractal and Real

Antarctic Ships, Fractal and RealDavid Wilson, from the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, has alerted me to this remarkable coincidence. Here is the "Burning Ship" from my post... read more >>

The OEIS and the Recamán Sequence 7

Here are the first 12 integers from an infinite sequence defined by a deceptively simple rule. Can you see the pattern? Try to predict the next number in the sequence.... read more >>

Greg Searle, Fractal Art and Design

If you follow this blog regularly, you know that I love fractals. I recently spent a pleasant afternoon in Nashua, New Hampshire, where my daughter Teresa introduced me to Gregory Searle, a fractal artist and computer geek. Here is his logo.... read more >>

Play “Match the Color” Game 3

I first saw this game years ago in the Exploratorium, a science museum in San Francisco. You are given a computer screen with two color patches and three sliders. One of the color patches is fixed. The sliders control the red, green and blue components of the other patch. Your task is to adjust the sliders until the two patches are the same color. It ain't easy.... read more >>

The Jordan Canonical Form Just Doesn’t Compute 4

Camille Jordan (1838-1922)...

The MATLAB Technical Computing Environment 2

The ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, SIGPLAN, expects to hold the fourth in a series of conferences on the History of Programming Languages in 2020, see HOPL-IV. The first drafts of papers are to be submitted by August 2018. That long lead time gives me the opportunity to write a detailed history of MATLAB. I plan to write the paper in sections, which I'll post in this blog as they are available. This is the seventh, and final, installment.... read more >>

MATLAB History, Modern MATLAB, part 2 3

The ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, SIGPLAN, expects to hold the fourth in a series of conferences on the History of Programming Languages in 2020, see HOPL-IV. The first drafts of papers are to be submitted by August 2018. That long lead time gives me the opportunity to write a detailed history of MATLAB. I plan to write the paper in sections, which I'll post in this blog as they are available.... read more >>

Friday the 13th and the Datetime Method 3

Today is Friday, the 13th. In many parts of the world, today is regarded as unlucky. But I want to revisit an old question: is today unlikely? What are the chances that the 13th of any month falls on a Friday? Computing the answer makes use of a new MATLAB® feature, the datetime method.... read more >>

The Dragon Curve

Let me tell you about a beautiful, fractal curve, the Dragon Curve. Download my new dragon program from the File Exchange and follow along.... read more >>

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