Posts 11 - 20 of 306

MiniGallery, Sampler of MATLAB Test Matrices

MATLAB has dozens of test matrices. Here are a few.... 更多内容 >>

ARLS, Automatically Regularized Least Squares 13

(I have a guest blogger today. Ron Jones worked with me in 1985 for his Ph. D. from the University of New Mexico. He retired recently after nearly 40 years at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque and now has a chance to return to the problem he studied in his thesis. -- CBM)... 更多内容 >>

Happy Birthday, John Gilbert

I have just returned from a one-day workshop at U. C. Santa Barbara honoring John Gilbert on his 70th birthday and his official retirement after 20 years on the UCSB faculty.... 更多内容 >>

Special Notice 2

Special Notice If you have been following my posts about Wordle, be sure to see the puzzle in today's New York Times, Tuesday, April 4.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) ... 更多内容 >>

My Chat with Ernie, a Chinese Chat Bot 3

I recently had an opportunity to chat with Ernie, the Large Language Model currently under development at the Chinese internet search giant, Baidu. As I expected, Ernie's responses are in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese, so I have asked Google Translate for the response in English.... 更多内容 >>

Three Wordle Assistants 3

When I tackle a Wordle puzzle, I like to make all the key decisions myself. My three assistants set up puzzles and suggest words when I ask for help, but I guide the actual solution. My assistants also make it possible for me to play Wordle anywhere, anytime, even when my laptop is in airplane mode. I don't need the New York Times or access to the Web.... 更多内容 >>

Wordle Sneak Previews 3

Wordle Sneak PreviewsThe Web sites that are claiming to have advance knowledge of the daily Wordle answer have become unreliable, so I am closing my sneak preview business. Get the MATLAB... 更多内容 >>

WordBot and Words, My Wordle Assistants 1

I am late joining the Wordle craze. Over a year ago, MATLAB programs for solving Wordle puzzles were described by Adam Filion as a guest blogger on Loren's blog and by Matt Tearle with a YouTube video. But my programs for Wordle Assistants are different. WordBot doesn't try to solve any puzzles and Words just supplies lists of possible words. I enjoy providing the solution logic myself.... 更多内容 >>

R2-D2, Rotations and Dilations in Two Dimensions 1

R2_D2 is is the name I've given a new MATLAB program that provides animations of 2-by-2 rotation and dilation matrices. I admit I chose "dilations" so the acronym would be memorable, but otherwise the code has little to do with the famous Star Wars droid.... 更多内容 >>

My Chat With ChatGPT 5

While it is still fresh in my mind, I want to describe the conversation I had with a publicly available version of ChatGPT, the much-discussed large language model, LLM, for conversational artificial intelligence.... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 306

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