Science and technology played a major role in many of 2017’s biggest stories. The Behind the Headlines blog covered many of these by explaining how MATLAB and Simulink were behind the scenes, helping… read more >>
Science and technology played a major role in many of 2017’s biggest stories. The Behind the Headlines blog covered many of these by explaining how MATLAB and Simulink were behind the scenes, helping… read more >>
Sir Isaac Newton would be proud of the new £1 coin. After joining The Royal Mint in 1696, Newton took on counterfeiters with a combination of science and art. He introduced features, such as grooved… read more >>
When temperatures warm, ice sheets melt. When ice sheets melt, the sea level rises. Sounds simple enough. But, in reality, determining the effects of ice sheet melt on rising sea levels is far from… read more >>
November 12th is World Pneumonia Day. The annual event is dedicated to raising the awareness about pneumonia, the leading killer of children under the age of five.
According to the World Health…
What possibly could one the world’s oldest beers and gerrymandering, the practice of manipulating district boundaries in order to obtain a political advantage, have in common?
A CBS News report, After 20 years of darkness, bionic eye helps blind man see, described how technology helped a man who had been blind regain his vision. The “bionic eye” discussed in the article is… read more >>
When individuals lose one of their senses, their other senses often compensate. LiveScience reported on a study that showed brain scans of people who were born blind or lost their sight before the… read more >>
Echolocation uses sound waves and echoes to determine where objects are located in space. It’s an ability shared by a few, select mammals such as bats, dolphins, and some whales. Did you know that… read more >>
Apple reinvigorated the discussion regarding biometrics with its debut of Face ID, the authentication system that creates a 3D facial map by projecting 30,000 invisible, infrared (IR) dots onto your… read more >>
Amazon is changing retail as we know it, and this change is built on efficiency. With more than 50 million items now eligible for free 2-day shipping through their Prime program, the pressure is on…. read more >>