Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

ThingSpeak Introduces New Internet of Things App – TimeControl

A ThingSpeak App is a service offered by ThingSpeak that runs in the cloud to help you build connected projects and release connected products for the Internet of Things. We are happy to announce today that we are releasing a new app and we are excited to see what you do with it!

Introducing TimeControl…

TimeControl is a web service hosted by ThingSpeak that executes any type of HTTP service call or sends Tweets at predetermined times or schedules. We now offer one-time commands and weekly recurring schedules for commands. TimeControl executes a ThingHTTP or ThingTweet command, and ThingHTTP can interface with any external Web Service API by doing SSL, Basic Auth, custom HTTP headers, GETs, POSTs, PUTs, and DELETEs. ThingHTTP simplifies connecting low-power, low-resource microcontrollers to complex web service APIs such as Twilio, Xively, and Amazon. When you combine TimeControl + ThingHTTP, you get scheduled triggers to any web service you can imagine and scheduled control of an embedded IoT device.

TimeControl Examples Apps

Example TimeControl Projects

  • Turn on your lights every day at 4pm
  • Set a feeder schedule on your aquarium
  • Schedule full control of ioBridge and devices
  • Send a Tweet of your Channel’s last value every morning

ThingSpeak IoT Apps

  • ThingTweet – Link your Twitter account to ThingSpeak and send Twitter messages using our simple API
  • ThingHTTP – Create custom POSTs or GETs to other web services and retrieve the data
  • TweetControl – Listen to commands from Twitter and then perform an action
  • React – Perform actions when conditions are met by your data in your channels
  • TalkBack – Allow devices to execute queued commands
  • TimeControl – Automatically execute ThingHTTP requests at predetermined times and schedules 

TimeControl Resources

  • print


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